Phone Number: +86 574 65292958

Contact Us
Office Contact
Geographical Advantage - Close proximity to many established vendors allowing us to provide a one stop solution for our customers.
+86 574 65292958
Phone Number
E-mail Address
Meilin Industrial Zone,
Ningbo, Zhejiang, China
Ningbo, Zhejiang, China
Company Location
Precision Machining
Using CNC to product high-quality products ranging from steel to plastic products.
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About Our Company
For over 20 years Ningbo Jintai has been a key supplier for many Precision Machining, Rubber and Plastic Component parts. Striving to continue providing quality products at a competitive price, Jintai has taken innovative steps to ensure current machinery and production lines can maintain a competitive edge in such a highly competitive field.
© 2020 Ningbo Jintai Rubber & Plastic Co., Ltd